About the SWCD

In the 1930s, conservation districts were established throughout the United States to develop programs for conserving soil resources, controlling and preventing soil erosion and sedimentation, and preventing flooding. The Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is one of 47 districts in Virginia. It addresses conservation and environmental issues in Fairfax County. SWCD does not have any regulatory authority.

SWCD Staff

SWCD has a staff of technical specialists engaged in advising homeowners on land-management issues such as erosion and sediment control, stormwater management, drainage, stream restoration/stabilization, and soils; providing financial assistance to property owners for addressing erosion and drainage issues on their property; reviewing site development plans; and providing workshops on such things as building rain barrels and composters. In addition, they provide student and youth programs that support the development of future environmental leaders. A popular event is the annual Seedling Sale, during which bundles of native shrub and tree seedlings are sold to residents for planting on their property.

SWCD Board

The SWCD is governed by a five-member Board of Directors, two of whom are appointed and three elected. The Board provides guidance in support of the work of the SWCD staff. Board members serve on a voluntary basis and do not receive a salary.

More Information

For detailed information on the SWCD, visit the SWCD website.

Paid for and authorized by Committee to Elect Rhonda Bitterli for SWCD Director

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